Many thanks Thread Repair for your kind comments.
Since last posting I've been extremely busy as usual; recently we had five storms pass through the last damaged a big Crack Willow tree so in bad weather I was out with the chainsaw; this tree had three thick trunks and was about 50' tall; I removed the damaged section and roped the remaining sections allowing the storm to pass by. Increasingly fed up of tree damage every time high wind hits the exposed valley side I thought I've had enough of this so in dire weather including snow; rain; sleet; hail; wind and even sun at times I felled and disposed of another 14 trees in just under two weeks; no light jobs living here and I was on my own working in the steep garden.
Jus a few of many logs I had to carry down the garden to our driveway.
One of the trees at 60' landing perfectly in spite of wind; I measured from trunk base to top corner of garden at it was 65' so I was pleased it landed where wanted; had it gone over the wire fence it could have been highly dangerous because a lane is just the other side of the fence; the logs were collected by a woodburning friend free of charge.
The studio has progressed and now is home to new stereo monitors (speakers) Tascam 8 track recorder/mixer and the new microphone arrved a couple of days ago.
The Laney LX20R guitar amp I bought a couple of months ago.
The Tascam DP-008EX sound studio 8 track.
New Rode NT1-A condenser mic on home made wooden stand.
I made the wooden stand yesterday because there isn't space for a floor standing stand and I can position this where best suits it; it was after 9 o'clock last night before I got the mic working powered with 48v phantom power from the Tascam.
These are the monitors I bought.
On top of all this my lovely generouse wife Bron treated me to a German 1880 trade violin this is orchestral quality and definitly not cheap bought from a luthier who set it up and installed a set of strings at over £100 the set; Bron also really spoiled me by adding an expensive case and carbon fiber bow fitted with best horsehair.
I've had to buy a number of cables and other smaller items so this isn't a cheap hobby. Bron treated me to a years "The Strad" subscription and I treated her to a years "The Artist" subscription also because Bron is so generous I asked if there was anything she would like; a new expensive sofa is due in August; we've not had a single days holiday away from home for the last 44 years preferring to remain home and improve our lifestyly now we can indulge in our many hobbies.
The 1880 German violin with new case and carbon fiber bow Bron generously bought for me; it's a beauty.
I can now play on the violin Twinkle twinkle little star in three scales but I'm heading towards my dream of playing "Lara's Theme" and I can play the first two lines of the song; the scratching and shrieking are history as I've gained more experience. I've bought Bron a Yamaha mini keyboard so I can use the Tascam to mix the violin and keyboard; the only real problem I have is time; I'm running flat out just to stand still; I've got our garden bench in bits having given it a top class repaint.
The wooden bench slats in new paint.
The cast iron bench ends in new paint awaiting reassembly.
I'm forever working driven by jobs needing doing leaving little time for things I want to do but I hope to spend more time in the studio this year.
Kind regards, Colin.