The newest guidelines are badly written, leaving room for misunderstanding. As I see it, remediation or 'condemned' only applies to faults, not a need to retrospectively apply the newest edition of the regs. If your installation complied with regs as they were when the consumer unit was installed then no action needed. All lighting circuits installed after 1966 require earth wiring to metal fittings. If you have had metal light fittings installed since then, they must be earthed. Of course, the history of work on your system before you bought the property will be a total unknown to you. As I said, the guidelines are vague and, unfortunately, easily misinterpreted. Maybe with your past knowledge just look for the obvious safety items and not things that don't comply with 18th edition. I was taught on 13th edition and so anything since would be news to me. My consumer unit is plastic, renewed 7 years ago, but an extension new installation wired from it last year didn't entail it being changed to metal. ONLY the new wiring needed to comply with the current edition with a sticker to say there may be different colours for live and neutral. The certificate was issued just for the new wiring and satisfied an independent building control firm.