I would go to a metal shop, and ask for approx 30" of 2" flat bar (1/8" or 3/16" thick). You can bend this yourself into a rectangle (a bench vise would help significantly) to the dimension's you'll need to encircle (additional for overlap) the 2x6 beams. Drill a hole where the through bolt is needed. The hardest part of this job will be bending the plate. I would suggest you have it bent at the metal fab shop if you don't have a large 6 or 8" bench vise.
The 2" flat bar will "belt" the 2x6's together, and ensure all four of them are mutually assisting each other with the 4K lb load.
Drawing is in principle only. Your 2x6 might be oriented differently, but the fundamental of what I would do is shown here.